Selasa, 29 April 2014

Pentingnya Membaca Bagi Kita

             Banyak orang beranggapan membaca itu tidak penting. Wajar saja bila budaya baca belum menjadi budaya masyarakat kita. Pentingnya membaca belum menjadi tradisi yang harus dijalani setiap hari agar hidup berprestasi dan mau berbagi.

            Ketika kecil, ibu dan ayah selalu memberi contoh kami anak-anaknya untuk rajin membaca. Majalah, koran, buku menjadi santapan kami setiap harinya di saat senggang. Waktu membaca biasanya lebih enak pagi hari. Pikiran masih segar dan belum bercampur dengan aktivitas lainnya.sebelum tidur juga bagus, asalkan kita mampu memanage waktu dengan baik. Kapanpun, dimanapun kegiatan membaca akan mengasyikkan bila kita telah menjadikan membaca sebuah kebutuhan. Masuk ke dalam alam bawah sadar kita bahwa membaca itu penting sehingga tak akan pernah kita meninggalkan membaca setiap harinya. Bagi anda yang sibuk atau super sibuk, ikuti kursus baca kilat. Dengan begitu anda bisa membaca dengan cepat dan tetap memahami apa yg dibaca.

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Curiculum Vitae (Example)

Personal Details

Full name        : Dendy Iqbal Pratama
Sex                  : Male
Place of birth   : Pati, September  27, 1995
Nationality      : Indonesia
Marital status  : Single
Height, weight            : 175 cm, 70 kg
Heath              : Perfect
Religion           : Islam
Address           : Cebolek kidul , Margoyoso Pati
Mobile             : 085641277001
E-mail              :

Education Background

2001 – 2007    : Cebolek Kidul 02 Elementari School, Margoyoso
2007 – 2010    : Junior High School No.2 Margoyoso
2010 – 2013    : Senoir High School No.1 Tayu
2013 – 2017    : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, English Education


1.      Fresh graduate from English Education Departement
2.      Computer literate (MS Word, MS Exel, MS Power Point and etc )

Job Experience

1.      Febuary – april 2014 on the training as a teacher in MI Muhammadiyah Jogonalan, kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Bizzare love triangle lyric

Every time I think of you
I get a shot right through
Into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living the life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
And every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for the final moment
You say the words that I can't say

Speech about the university should guarantee a safe environment

Good morning ladies and gentlemen
When there was an event in Sportorium. I saw the rubbish around the Sportorium. It is making the view of Sportorium worse and also UMY environment. I believe if the official of the event care with the sanitation and sanitary, I think the rubbish can be controlled and cannot found in Sportorium. I want to discuss about sanitation and sanitary in the university.
Firstly, sanitation is very important for us. Especially in around university. There are many people/ student/ lecturer that living in university. The official must care about it. Because, in the remote places can make us sick and in contrary sanitation can make us healthy. Everyone, all of the students in university also care about it. Don’t cast the rubbish in everywhere, but put it in the right place.
Secondly, it is about sanitary. I believe that everyone want themselves are healthy. But, when the area is not clean or healthy, how should we keep our sanitary? We must care by eat healthy food and drink original water. So, if we live around cleanly place, I think it can keep our sanitary.
In conclusion, let us reiterate that sanitation and sanitary are two things that very important to human live. We must care about it. Esprecially in globalisation period. It just we put the rubbish in the right place, it can help us to minimize the effect of greenhouse and also can keep our sanitary.
Thank you.


Dendy Iqbal Pratama

Menghadapi Masalah

Saya tahu bahwa tidak ada seorang pun di dunia ini yang akan menolak jika dia dilahirkan tanpa masalah dan selalu bahagia tanpa ada sedikit kesedihan. Tapi apakah itu mungkin ? Bahkan mereka, anda dan saya bahkan mau membayar berapa dollar pun kalo seandainya ada orang yang bisa membuat kita lahir di dunia ini dan hidup di dunia ini tanpa ada masalah dan kesedihan sama sekali. Bahagia selalu bahkan selalu ceria. Ini saya ada sedikit cerita inspirasi yang saya kutip dari sebuah buku yang selayaknya pantas untuk saya tuliskan disini. Buku ini judulnya adalah “Bila anda pikir bisa, Anda pasti bisa melaksanakan dan meraih apa yang anda inginkan”. Mari kita simak cuplikan cerita dari buku ini bersama-sama.

Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Mewujudkan Pendidikan Karakter Yang Berkualitas

Dalam tataran teori, pendidikan karakter sangat menjanjikan bagi menjawab persoalan pendidikan di Indonesia. Namun dalam tataran praktik, seringkali terjadi bias dalam penerapannya. Tetapi sebagai sebuah upaya, pendidikan karakter haruslah sebuah program yang terukur pencapaiannya. Bicara mengenai pengukuran artinya harus ada alat ukurnya, kalo alat ukur pendidikan matematika jelas, kasih soal ujian jika nilainya diatas strandard kelulusan artinya dia bisa. Nah, bagaimana dengan pendidikan karakter?

Selasa, 15 April 2014

The use of animals in scientific research

Scientist usually used animals to understand heath problem. Some diseases and health problems involve processes that can only be studied in living organism. So, it is the reason why the scientist used animals to their research.
The first reason is it easy to research animals because animals have a similar biologically with human. It makes the scientist believe, if they can get more information about diseases they can avoid diseases that cause from animals. Because based on the data, all of diseases, for example heart disease, HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Bacterial infection are caused by animals. Especially there are diseases from bird, dog, and many others of animals. Moreover animals makes good research subject for a variety of reason. They have (human and animals) similar biologically. So, the scientist can easily to control the environment around the animals.
The second reason is scientist can knows how to develop such drug and medical procedure when they research about animals. So, with alternative research with animals, it is give an alternative idea to develop drug and also can help people who get a disease that cause from animals. There are many diseases that cause from animals. Scientist can help because most of their diseases cause by animals and scientist has a animals research.

In the result, animals’ studies are done first to give the better medical research idea to benefit such drug and medical procedure. It also can help people to solve their diseases with alternative research. It is very important in modern medical because it’s give alternative medical procedure that very clearly.

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